Heal, Move, Strengthen & Thrive!

Welcome and thank you for taking the time to be here.

I help clients in-person at my Perth Studio & Online Australia Wide.

I offer a fusion of Neurokinetic, Myofascial, Breath Therapy + Strength Pilates.

Fill in the form below and I'll be in touch to set up a chat regarding how I can help.


I'll send you a text in the next 24-48 hours to arrange an ideal time to chat.
During the call I will be able to provide more info on the type, time and costs of sessions based on your specific situation, goals and preferences.

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Suburb + State Required field!
Which interests you? Required field!
How would you rate your current health/fitness on a scale of 10? Required field!
Where would you like to see the most change? Required field!
Please tick any which apply to you Required field!
Please tick any which apply to you Required field!
Are you able to get up and down off the floor? Required field!
Are you medically clear and safe to exercise? Required field!
How many times/week would you like to train? Required field!
Please share any previous exercise experience if you have so I can ensure I help you appropriately Required field!
Which would you prefer? Required field!
Where do you want your health/fitness to be on a scale of 1 to 10? Required field!


I offer a holistic training approach with clients who have niggling pains (popularly back & hips) and tone and strengthen from head to toe.

I'm passionate about helping my clients with a whole body approach to pain, strength & body confidence because I've gone through my own journey of neck, back, knee and hip pain, weakness and lacking that strong confident self I was missing.

My own health & fitness journey started at a rocky point. I was slow to learn, uncoordinated, and made a lot of mistakes along the way. I knew exactly what it was like to feel alone and spend thousands of dollars and hours making little to no progress, only to continue the cycle.

My knees and back would be in pain after being up on my feet. I had radiating nerve pain. I had to sleep on the floor for many nights. I was bloated and was sensitive to so many foods. My pain got so bad I had to go for 2 massages a week at times. And to top it off, I felt so held back and limited in my ability to workout.

I felt broken when I was supposed to be in my prime!

This led me to dive deep into my studies and work with clients to find solutions rather then "hoping" things will get better. 

I preserved and kept working, learning and becoming the version of me I knew was possible deep down that I always envisioned!

My studies and practice have led me to use a multi and holistic skilled approach to help my clients - and in ways I never would have thought I would be. I share how so much is connected and we can use a broader lens to get to the root of many problems to prevent, relieve and transform!

When we have a vision, we can make massive change!

This is why I love to help my clients because I know when you really want to succeed, it's possible! It's just a matter of finding the right path for you!

Over the next 6 months we'll work together to create a holistic training & lifestyle plan that will set you up to reach your goals with confidence!

Why wait to be the greatest version of yourself?! The time is NOW!

You know what you want

And you're ready to dive in, commit and make the changes to turn your vision of health, body, movement & mind with effective and transformative methods!


You can also contact me directly on IG @celindabelle and I'm more then happy to answer anything you're uncertain about!

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